Rhythm, Routine, Renewal


Rhythm is everywhere. The primordial inner flow that tunes us in with awareness. It’s been on my mind because over the last few weeks, there has been a touch more conscious effort on my part to observe the ebbs and flows, the status quos, the peace, the turmoil etc etc. Two things struck me most – one, how it is tied in with our response to change; Two, the duality – how strong and fragile it is at the same time. 2015, I hope, will be a year where I learn to stay tuned in, more than ever before. Keep the rhythm, follow it, let it follow, and flow gracefully, for rhythm is grace. I wish the same for you all too.

Above and below are all photographs from my instagram feed from 2014. It was one of the most grounding years of my life and I’m thankful for that.

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Reflecting back, I see a time that was full of so much rhythm even through the troughs, except that I chose not to observe enough to stay tuned. It was a year where I discovered routine is actually a beautiful thing contrary to what I thought I believed. A routine filled with rituals around work, nourishment and home bring rhythm to life better than anything else can. I’m sure of that. It’s one thing that can help us stay grounded and stay in a constant state of grace.

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2015 has started on positive notes. The year end excesses have only aided the renewal process, I think. Like a harsh deep cleanse sort of a thing. Not that one would want to opt for such a manner of things, but then that’s what holidays do. And then we simply have to get on, find that rhythm back and deepen those ties a lit bit more. No ?


All the photographs above were captured on the iphone using VSCO cam and Afterlight apps. Together with Typic, they make for my go to creative iphone trio.

I will be back very shortly with a looooonnng pending post on travels in the UK. Happy 2015 !

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  • Prithica Shetty January 14, 2015, 12:50 pm

    So beautifully written Ramya! Wishing you a lovely 2015.. Lets meetup sometime soon!!

  • Ramya Reddy January 15, 2015, 5:04 am

    thank you Prithica lets connect up soon and wish you a gorgeous 2015 too x

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